Friday 27 November 2015

Alice in Wonderland.

The world is celebrating this week the publication of this Lewis Carroll's classic tale.

Click on the Chershire Cat picture to access to a facility created for the use of anyone interested in or researching Charles Dodgson's -Lewis Carroll- Game of Logic.

Friday 6 November 2015

Shakespeare Bus and Globe.

Shakespeare Bus

David Tennant protagoniza Hamlet.  Imagen de la campaña GREAT.
¡Noticias GREAT!  Nuestro autobús de Shakespeare está lleno de concursos divertidos e información esencial si quieres estudiar en el Reino Unido. ¡Tendremos algo para tí!

Shakespeare es sin duda nuestro dramaturgo más influyente y puedes poner a prueba tus conociminetos de Shakespeare y el Reino Unido en nuestro concurso en el #shakespearebus.      

16 y 17 noviembreValladolidPº Zorilla 

Shakespeare's Globe       SHAKESPEARE'S GLOBE 360

Download the Shakespeare’s Globe 360 

app to experience Shakespeare’s Globe 


never before.

Packed with interesting facts, videos and photos; the free app allows anyone in the world to explore a virtual version of the world’s most iconic theatre.
Users can move around the virtual theatre, zoom in and out and reveal the oak frame. Venture through the oak doors and head inside, where you can explore the theatre as stunning 360-degree images. Locations include:
  • An actor’s-eye view from the stage itself
  • Backstage in the Tiring-house
  • The Musicians gallery
  • Or simply standing in the Yard

Tilt and move your device to look around. The technology in the app uses the in built camera in your iPhone or iPad. Pointing it at a marker prompts the Globe theatre to appear on your screen.
The app is free, and contains an optional in app purchase.

Friday 23 October 2015

21st October 2015. BACK TO THE FUTURE DAY.

21st October 2015. BACK TO THE FUTURE DAY.

 All over the world cinema and sci-fi fans have been waiting 27 years for this day.
 What happened in the world in 1989? What did people wear, or watch on TV? There are many possibilities  to take advantage of this day in class: students can ask their parents about their lives back then, bring their photos, or imagine how their lives will be 27 years on.
Click on the picture to know what celebrations are taking place today... and why Robert Zemeckis -the director of the film- chose this particular day to travel to the future.  

             Click on the skateboard to get to the CNN piece of news of today. Videos of the protagonists ahead.


Here you will find an article on brands and products depicted inthe film. Clik on for this interesting topic!

Friday 16 October 2015


Uploading class resources for Bachillerato.


From: British Council.

This activity is extremely simple. Each student adds a word to create a group story. Despite the simplicity it can be really challenging and I would only use it with higher levels.
Students should be in a circle (if this isn’t possible make it clear they know who they are going to follow on from).
  • The teacher can begin by saying the first word and each student adds the next word, without repeating what has come beforehand.
  • The stories can develop in any number of ways. Some groups may need the teacher to provide punctuation and decide that the sentence should end and a new one should begin. The great thing about this activity is that all students have to concentrate and listen carefully to their colleagues to be able to continue the story coherently.
  • Good starting words are “Suddenly” or “Yesterday” to force the story into the past tense.

    * Teacher – “Yesterday”
    * Student 1 – “I”
    * Student 2 – “saw”
    * Student 3 – “a”
    * Student 4 – “strange”
    * Student 5 – “man”
    * Student 6 – “who”
    * Student 7 – “was”
    * Student 8 – “wearing”
    * Student 9 – “a”
    * Student 10 – “yellow”
    * Student 11 – “hat”
    * Teacher – “Full stop, new sentence”
    * Student 12 – “He”
    * Student 13 – “was”
    * Etc. etc.
  • It is great for highlighting word collocations and practising word order. It also highlights problems students may have with tenses or prepositions for you to focus on in future classes.
Jo Budden

Tuesday 3 March 2015



1. On this video you will watch a live school report program.

3. Click on the film poster for more possive practise in a film context.

4. How is syrup made? Complete the text using present and past passive.

5. Watch this video and complete the questionaire, mainly in the past simple passive.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


La Junta de Castilla y León has launched the summer courses. 

Click on the logo for more information:

The application  deadline is until 6th of April. Hurry up!

Wednesday 11 February 2015



Click on the logo of the file to download the file of the unit.
Do you need more exercises to practise MODALS? Remember that it is useful to print the worksheets so you can rewrite and review them.

Excercises on modals 1.

Modals 2.

Modals 3.

Should vs. Must.

Mustn't vs. Don't have to. 

Test yourself. Page with 7 tests at different levels.

Perfect Modals 1

Perfect Modals 2.

Modals and Perfect Modals 

Friday 30 January 2015

READING BOOK 2: American Horror. Five Terrifying Tales, by Edgar Allan Poe.

This is the book for this second term. 

You will take the exam on Friday 27th of March.  

You have to read Poe's biography at the beginning of the book and the five terrifying tales.

1. Make a glossary with the vocabulary defined in the book and the words you look up in the dictionary. Vocabulary is really important in this book, very specific and you will be asked about it both in context and using definitions.

2. Do the following exercises on your notebook. The comprehension questions will be mainly based on them. You will improve your writing and spelling. Do not write in the book. 

I.The Pit and the Pendulum.

-pg 6, ex 1
-pg 8, ex 2
-pg 9, ex 3
-pg16, ex 1
-pg 17, ex 3
-pg18, ex 2
-pg 24, ex 1,2
-pg 25, ex 4

II.The Facts in the case of M. Valdemar.

-pg 33, ex 2
-pg 38, ex 1, 2
-pg 29, ex 3
-pg 40, ex 2
-pg 46, ex 1

III.The Black Cat.

-Read ex 1 from page 50, it will give you good information about the protagonist's behaviour.

-pg 50, ex 2,3
-pg 56, ex 1
-pg 58, ex 1,3
-pg 63, ex 1

IV.The Tell-Tale Heart.

-pg 72, ex 1
-pg 73, ex 2
-pg 78, ex 1

V.The Tell-Tale Heart.

-pg 84, ex 3
-pg 90, ex 1
-pg 95, ex 2
-pg 100, ex 1,3

To check if your answers are correct, click here for the solutions.

3. After doing the exercises, try to make a short summary of each chapter -2, or 3 lines-. When you have finished each tale you will have a nice synopsis in your own words. You can give it to me to correct it if helps you.